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※本活動備有中英雙向同步口譯※ ※本課程內容包含新修正法令、新種業務或新種金融商品,符合金融控股公司及銀行業內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法第32條規定※
時間(GMT+8/UTC+8) 議程
09:00 - 09:20【20mins】 Welcome Remarks 開幕致詞

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, VP & Global Head of Business Development & New Ventures | Senior Asia Pacific Leader, ACAMS
公認反洗錢師協會 集團副總裁與全球協會事業拓展執行長 鄧芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)

Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance

09:20 – 09:50【30mins】 Keynote Address 主題演講

Tsuey-Ling Hsiao, Vice Chairperson, Financial Supervisory Commission
金融監督管理委員會 副主任委員 蕭翠玲

09:50 – 10:50【60mins】 Regulatory Update: Analyzing Global and Taiwan AML Trends and New Developments


  • Examining international standards, priorities and industry guidance to establish best practices and meet the evolving regulatory expectations檢視國際標準的重點與行業指南,制定最佳做法並符合不斷發展的監管要求
  • Reviewing recent RegTech developments and their impact on the financial industry檢閱監管科技的發展及其對金融業的影響
  • Discussing the regulatory priorities for 2022 in Taiwan’s journey towards AML/CFT effectiveness探討2022年台灣走向AML/CFT 有效性之旅的監管重點

Speaker 講者:

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, VP & Global Head of Business Development & New Ventures | Senior Asia Pacific Leader, ACAMS
公認反洗錢師協會 集團副總裁與全球協會事業拓展執行長 鄧芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)

Pei-Yu Su, Executive Secretary, Anti-Money Laundering Office, Executive Yuan
行政院洗錢防制辦公室 執行秘書 蘇佩鈺

10:50 – 11:10 Morning Break 小休
11:10 – 12:20【70mins】 Optimizing Ongoing Monitoring with RegTech, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics


  • Discussing user cases where organisations have achieved better outcomes with AI with more risk relevant transaction monitoring alerts討論透過人工智能技術協助、提供更多與風險相關的交易監測警報的成功案例
  • Exploring how data analytics can improve transaction monitoring outcomes by identifying linked networks and hidden relationships within and outside the organization探討使用數據分析識別機構內外的關聯網路與隱藏關係來改善交易監測結果
  • Sharing best practices in incorporating RegTech for more effective transaction monitoring, including the deployment of third-party databases分享整合監管科技以進行更有效的交易監測的最佳做法,如部署第三方數據庫

Speaker 講者:

Pei-Ling Tsai, CAMS, CGSS, Executive Vice President, Head of Anti-Money Laundering Department, Fubon Financial Holding, Head of Financial Safety Department, Taipei Fubon Bank, Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
富邦金融控股股份有限公司 富邦金控法遵暨法務處洗錢防制部主管 台北富邦銀行金融安全部主管 副總經理 蔡佩玲 (CAMS, CGSS)

Yu-Ying Shang, CAMS, Former Vice President, CTBC Bank
中國信託商業銀行 前任法令遵循處協理 尚玉瑛 (CAMS)

12:20 – 12:50【30mins】 Combating Commercial Crimes


  • Reviewing recent commercial crime threats and their impact on the financial industry審視商業犯罪風險對金融行業的威脅和影響
  • Exploring strategies to effectively mitigate new commercial crime risks in the age of increasing digitilisation and automation 在日益數字化和自動化的時代,探索有效降低新的商業犯罪風險的策略
  • Discussing the regulatory initiatives in Taiwan to combat commercial crime討論台灣打擊商業犯罪的監管舉措

Speaker 講者:

Vincent Wen, CAMS, Section Chief of Tracing Illegal Funds Flow, Anti-Money Laundering Division (AMLD), Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, Taiwan
調查局洗錢防制處 資金協查科長 温俊雄 (CAMS)

12:50 – 13:50 Noon Break 中午休息
13:50 – 14:35【45mins】 Exploring the New Monetary Instruments: Current Developments and the Impact of Central Bank Digital Currencies


  • Exploring the banking and fintech industry trends for 2022探討2022年的銀行業和金融科技行業趨勢
  • Understanding the global financial system in the new world order under CBDC了解在央行數字貨幣下,全球金融體系中的世界新秩序
  • Discussing effective risk strategies to mitigate potential AML/CFT risks探討有效的風險策略,以降低潛在的 AML/CFT 風險

Speaker 講者:

Luis Maximiliano Postigo, Chief Executive Officer, Panda Bank, Former Chief
Representative Officer, BNA

14:35 – 15:35【60mins】 The Use of Cryptocurrencies in Financial Crime


  • Assessing the opportunities and challenges with virtual currencies in Financial Institutions審視虛擬貨幣的挑戰和機遇
  • Managing the growth in new high-risk businesses such as Cryptocurrency Exchanges管理新的高風險業務,如加密貨幣
  • Reviewing AML/CFT requirements for Cryptocurrency Exchanges and identifying red flags for possible illicit activities審查加密交易所AML 防制洗錢的重要性


Ray Liu, CAMS, Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Bank of China Taipei Branch
中國銀行台北分行 法律合規部副總經理/法令遵循主管 劉書良 (CAMS)

Speaker 講者:

Ken Chien, CAMS, Chairman, Taiwan Virtual Asset Anti Money Laundry Association
台灣虛擬通貨反洗錢協會理事長 簡書永 (CAMS)

Kordan Ou, CAMS, Founder and CEO, KryptoGO
KryptoGO 創始人及執行長 歐曜瑋 (CAMS)

15:35 – 15:55 Afternoon Break 小休
15:55 – 16:55【60mins】 Effective Sanctions Screening


  • Assessing the requirements for name and transaction screening by regulated entities評估受監管實體對名稱和交易篩選的要求
  • Discussing the challenges in ensuring that names and transactions are screened against relevant sanction lists and databases探討根據相關制裁清單和資料庫進行篩選在確保名稱和交易方面的挑戰
  • Integrating best practices for more effective sanction screening, including sanction screening database management整合最佳實踐,以進行更有效的制裁篩查,包括制裁篩查資料庫管理


Lynn Li, CAMS-Audit, Director AML – Greater China, ACAMS
公認反洗錢師協會 大中華區反洗錢合規策略總監 李娜 (CAMS-Audit)


Rudy Wang, CAMS, CGSS, Head of Compliance and AML Department, The Bank of New York Mellon Taiwan Branch
美國紐約梅隆銀行台北分行 法令遵循部主管 王賢裕 (CAMS, CGSS)

16:55 – 17:00 Closing Remarks 閉幕致詞
※ 本次課程不提供講義紙本,講義將於課程後提供。 ※ 本院保留變更本活動內容及講座、講題、時間安排等權利;活動資訊如有異動,以本院網站更新公告為準。


  • Tsuey-Ling Hsiao, Vice Chairperson, Financial Supervisory Commission
    金融監督管理委員會 副主任委員 蕭翠玲講座
    • Department of Business, National Taiwan University
    • M.B.A., National Chengchi University
    • Resident Supervisor, Central Deposit Insurance Corporation
    • Assistant Director General, Department of Banking, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
    • Deputy Director General, Department of Banking, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
    • Director General, Department of Financial Inspection, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
    • Director General, Department of Banking, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
    • 國立臺灣大學商學系畢業
    • 國立政治大學企業管理(學)碩士
    • 中央存款保險股份有限公司常駐監察人
    • 中央銀行業務局襄理
    • 中央銀行業務局副局長
    • 中央銀行金融業務檢查處處長
    • 中央銀行業務局局長
(Surname in Alphabetical Order 根據英文姓氏字母排序)
  • Ken Chien, CAMS, Chairman, Taiwan Virtual Asset Anti Money Laundry Association
    (CAMS) 台灣虛擬通貨反洗錢協會 理事長 簡書永講座
    Title :
    • Taiwan Virtual Asset Anti Money Laundry Association (TVAA) Chairman
    • Taiwan Blockchain Alliance Industry-academia cooperation Vice Chairperson
    • Bitcasso International AML office co-founder
    Licenses & Certifications:
    • CAMS, Certificate of Anti-Money Laundry Specialist
    • Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing Specialist
    • Virtual Currency and Blockchain Certificate
    • AML for Fintechs Certificate
    • Served as the Compliance Manager of BitoEx, the largest trading volume in Taiwan cryptocurrency exchange company and established the AML & CFT P&P which passed the FCCQ witness report issued by KPMG.
    • Share the issues of virtual asset AML in the Central bank of the Republic of China, the Financial Supervisory Commission, the National Development Council Taiwan Blockchain Alliance General Assembly, Baker McKenzie, the FinTechSpace, the Blockchain Compliance Perspective 2020 and other institutions.
    • Visited Chairman of FSC and Congress woman provided suggestion about new category of industry for cryptocurrency.
    • Assist famous Taiwan VASP established the AML & CFT P&P.
    職稱 :
    • 台灣虛擬通貨反洗錢協會理事長
    • 台灣區塊鏈大聯盟產學合作組副召集人
    • 畢卡所國際反洗錢事務所共同創辦人
    • 國際反洗錢師
    • 洗錢防制及打擊資恐專業人員認證
    • 虛擬貨幣及區塊鏈反洗錢證書課程
    • 金融科技反洗錢證書課程
    • 曾任職於全台交易量最大之幣託虛擬貨幣交易所(BitoEx)之法遵經理,建立反洗錢及打擊資恐制度,並通過KPMG驗證,取得其簽發之FCCQ見證報告。
    • 於央行、金管會、國發會區塊鏈大聯盟、國際通商律師事務所、金融科技園區、區塊鏈法律論壇等機構,分享虛擬通貨反洗錢相關議題。
    • 於國發會區塊鏈大聯盟法規調適組進行多次提案,並拜訪金管會主委顧立雄先生及高嘉瑜立委提供虛擬貨幣業之立法相關建議。
    • 輔導台灣多間知名虛擬通貨業者,協助其建立虛擬通貨反洗錢及打擊資恐制度。
  • Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, VP & Global Head of Business Development & New Ventures | Senior Asia Pacific Leader, ACAMS
    公認反洗錢師協會 集團副總裁與全球協會事業拓展執行長 鄧芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)講座

    In her current role as VP & Global Head of Business Development and New Ventures, Hue Dang is responsible for developing and identifying new business development opportunities to expand ACAMS's remit beyond training/education and community-building efforts. She is leading the effort to develop and provide solutions to assist regulated entities to meet their anti-financial regulatory obligations with solutions and consultative offerings to mitigate risk in a systematic and systemic manner, with a focus on AML Risk Assessments. At the same time, her efforts are expected to assist regulators to meet their expanding supervisory responsibilities as more sectors are incorporated into AML regimes to meet with global standards as set by the Financial Action Task Force.

    Ms. Dang joined ACAMS in 2008, establishing its APAC office as Head of Asia-Pacific and launched its business in the region. During her 12 years in this role, she fostered development of the anti-money laundering/financial crime community by building relationships among key stakeholders, including regulators, law enforcement, financial institutions, and industry associations and working groups. She also helped industry professionals improve their skills and career advancement through training, certification and networking opportunities.

    Ms. Dang is an Advanced Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, specializing in Audit (CAMS-Audit), having published a whitepaper, "Financial Inclusion, Developing Economies, and Effective Implementation of the Risk-Based Approach in AML/CTF: The Need for Legislative and Regulatory Leadership to Motivate Private Sector Commitment & the Role of Audit." She conducted numerous AML trainings around Asia, including for central banks, financial institutions, and universities. A frequent speaker in APAC, US and Europe, Ms. Dang was the Program Chair for all ACAMS-APAC training events, including the three Annual AML and Financial Crime Conferences (APAC, Indian Subcontinent and Australasia), and annual symposia held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Macau and Seoul.

    Ms. Dang has over 25 years' experience in financial services industry. She was a Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital's Investment Banking Division in Singapore, Director of Business Development at Citibank's Global Consumer Banking Group in Singapore. In her positions as Director of Business Development, Asia/Pacific, for Thomson Financial, and General Manager of Thomson Financial Publishing, based in Hong Kong, she also developed the first-ever financial-markets news portal for the APAC region, "Thomson Capital Markets Asia "(, launched in 2001.

    Ms. Dang holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts, with honors, from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.

    鄧芳慧女士於 2008 年在香港設立亞太區總部,現任 ACAMS 集團副總裁與全球協會事業拓展執行長。

    鄧女士是取得進階認證的反洗錢專家,專門於審計方面 (CAMS-Audit),發表了白皮書《金融共融,發展中的經濟體系以及在 AML / CTF 中有效實施基於風險的方法:需要立法和監管領導層,以激發私營部門的承諾和審計的作用》(Financial Inclusion, Developing Economies, and Effective Implementation of the Risk-Based Approach in AML/CTF: The Need for Legislative and Regulatory Leadership to Motivate Private Sector Commitment & the Role of Audit.)

    鄧女士在亞洲各地進行了許多反洗錢培訓,包括為中央銀行,金融機構和大學提供的培訓。她還是 ACAMS 亞太區所有培訓活動計劃的主席,包括亞太區三個年度反洗錢和反金融犯罪會議(亞太區,印度次大陸和大洋洲),以及在新加坡、香港、臺北、東京、北京、上海、雅加達、吉隆坡、馬尼拉、澳門和首爾舉行的研討會。她經常在所屬地區,歐洲和美國的反洗錢會議上演講。她還執行年度 Train-the-Trainer 計劃,以培訓受 ACAMS 認證的培訓專家。

    鄧女士在金融業擁有超過 25 年的經驗。她曾是波士頓美國聯邦銀行的銀行審查員,新加坡巴克萊資本投資銀行經理,新加坡花旗全球消費者銀行全球消費者銀行業務發展總監。在擔任湯姆森金融 (Thomson Financial) 亞太地區業務發展總監和湯姆森金融出版有限公司 (Thomson Financial Publishing) 駐香港總經理期間,於 2001 年成立了首個亞太區金融市場新聞門戶網站” Thomson Capital Markets Asia” (。

  • Lynn Li, CAMS-Audit, Director AML – Greater China, ACAMS
    公認反洗錢師協會 大中華區反洗錢合規策略總監 李娜 (CAMS-Audit)講座

    Lynn Li, CAMS Audit, is currently the Director AML – Greater China of ACAMS. She has more than 20 years of work experience in financial institutions. She has served as Chief Compliance Officer of Anti-Financial Crime department in several international banks and financial technology companies in China, and has also served as partner of a compliance service line in well-known international consulting companies. Ms. Li participated in the FATF's first assessment of China during her tenure in a foreign bank. She was granted "Outstanding Anti-Money Laundering Individual" by PBOC every year from 2008 to 2015. In 2013, she was rated as a national "outstanding anti-money laundering individual". In 2014, the financial institution that she served won the title of "Outstanding Anti-Money Laundering Organization". In 2018, the artificial intelligence due diligence service solution designed by the team which Ms. Li led won the financial technology award from the British Trade Department. She was appointed as an expert of Zhejiang Cross-border E-commerce Integrated Service Application Technology Collaborative Innovation Center.





  • Ray Liu, CAMS, Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Bank of China Taipei Branch
    中國銀行台北分行 法律合規部副總經理/法令遵循主管 劉書良 (CAMS)講座

    Mr. Liu has over 25 years' experience in the banking industry. He joint Bank of China Taipei branch in 2013 and is currently the Head of Legal and Compliance Department. He is responsible for running the bank's AML committee, developing AML/CFT and Compliance policies and procedures, conducting internal AML and Compliance training and liaison of regulatory relationship. Prior to joining BOC, he has 10 years Compliance and Control experiences in Citi Taiwan. Prior to BOC and Citi, Mr. Liu also worked with other foreign banks and insurance company in various functions, including trade finance, loan operations, and internal audit.

    Mr. Liu received his LLM degree from Soochow University, Taiwan.


  • Kordan Ou, CAMS, Founder and CEO, KryptoGO
    KryptoGO 創始人及執行長 歐曜瑋 (CAMS)講座

    Yao-Wei "Kordan" Ou is the founder and CEO of KryptoGO Inc., a RegTech company based in Taiwan. KryptoGO helps financial institutions to quickly identify high money-laundering risks with its due diligence engine built on top of AI and DLT. Kordan is also a CAMS and ISO 27001 Lead auditor with his engineering background and experienced in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain industry for more than 5 years.

    Prior to founding KryptoGO, Kordan was the president of COBINHOOD and also initiate DEXON which is invested by IDG Capital. As a serial entrepreneur, he has extensive experience in the Blockchain Markets developing strategy, DLT infrastructure building, and compliance. He helps COBINHOOD build the first zero trading fee in the world and cofound the fastest blockchain protocol DEXON in 2018.

    Kordan began his crypto career with the WiFire Blockchain development of 21 Vianet Group (NASDAQ: VNET) in 2015 as the director of R&D center in Taiwan.

    Prior to that, he led the R&D center and WiFire Blockchain development in 21 Vianet Group (NASDAQ: VNET). Kordan also serves as PMC of Open-Falcon, an open source distributed monitoring system adopted by leading internet companies in China such as Didi Chuxing, Xiaomi, Qihoo 360, etc. Through his active participation in monitoring systems, blockchain engineering, and other related open source projects, Kordan has solidified his expertise in distributed systems.

    Kordan has solidified his expertise in distributed systems for more than 10 years. He received his master degree in Computer Science from National Taiwan University in 2011.

    • CAMS and ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
    • KryptoGO is backed by the prestigious accelerators: PlugAndPlay, Microsoft Accelerator, UC Berkeley Xcelerator, PwC, Deloitte, Draper University, Garage+, FinTech Space, NTUTEC, ..., etc.
    • KryptoGO wins the Global RegTech Challenge in Taiwan (62 teams)
    • COBINHOOD raised 46K ETH ($40M) in 2017, and our underwriting service helps Cybermiles raise 86K ETH in their ICO.
    • The second secure cryptocurrency exchange in the world rated by icorating.
    • The biggest cryptocurrency exchange in Taiwan and ever ranked #19 on the world.
    • Our blockchain project DEXON achieves 10K TPS and invested by IDG capital with $20M.
    • The greatest blockchain team in Taiwan ever, more than 100 employers.
    • Yao-Wei “Kordan” led the R&D center and WiFire Blockchain development in 21 Vianet Group (NASDAQ: VNET).
    • PMC of Open-Falcon, an open-source distributed monitoring system adopted by leading internet companies in China such as Didi Chuxing, Xiaomi, Qihoo 360, etc.

    歐曜瑋在加密貨幣和區塊鏈行業擁有超過 5 年的創業經驗,除了資訊工程背景外,還是一名 CAMS 國際公認反洗錢師和 ISO 27001 主導稽核師,致力於用科技讓監理變得簡單。 KryptoGO 通過其建立在 AI 和 DLT 之上的金融監理調查引擎,幫助金融機構快速識別高洗錢風險。

    歐曜瑋現為重量科技 KryptoGO 創辦人、偉康科技首席科學家,除了資訊工程背景外,還是一名 CAMS 國際公認反洗錢師和 ISO 27001 主導稽核師,在加密貨幣和區塊鏈行業擁有超過 5 年的創業經驗,致力於用科技讓監理變得簡單。 KryptoGO 通過其建立在 AI 和 DLT 之上的金融監理調查引擎,幫助金融機構快速識別高洗錢風險。

    在創立 KryptoGO 之前,Kordan 是 COBINHOOD 的總經理,於 2017 年打造世界第一個零手續費虛擬貨幣交易所,並參與了 DEXON 早期的設計工作,作為 2018 年當時最快的底層鏈協議,成功引入 IDG 投資兩千萬美元的投資。作為一名連續創業者,他在區塊鏈市場發展戰略、DLT 基礎設施建設和合規方面擁有豐富的經驗。

    在此之前,Kordan 於 2015 年在 21 Vianet Group(納斯達克股票代碼:VNET)的 WiFire 區塊鏈開發中開始了他的加密旅程,時任台灣研發中心總監。 Kordan 他領導了 21 Vianet Group(納斯達克股票代碼: VNET )的研發中心和 WiFire 區塊鏈開發,也是知名開源專案 Open-Falcon 的主要貢獻者之一(Github 超過六千顆星的專案)。在分佈式系統以及金融監理上均有相當豐富的產業經驗與專業知識。

    10 多年來,Kordan 鞏固了他在分佈式系統方面的專業知識。 於 2011 年獲得台灣大學計算機科學碩士學位。

    KryptoGO 從創業第一天就走向國際,是 AAMA第十期的創業家,歐曜瑋接連帶領團隊入選國內外知名加速器,其中包含全世界前五大加速器 500startups, PlugAndPlay、錄取率只有 2% 的微軟加速器、第一個入選 UC Berkeley Xcelerator 的台灣團隊、以及矽谷知名創投成立的 Draper University。從區塊鏈創業出發的他,跨足傳統金融利用科技手段解決在客戶審查中效率不彰、體驗不佳的問題。在金管會指導的國際監理科技黑客松中,從國內外將近百支隊伍與國外知名企業中囊括五個獎項,比賽期間短短一個月內獲得十家銀行主動詢問金融監理引擎的解決方案,簽署四家銀行 MOU 開展合作,其中一家銀行正式導入至 13 國家的 25 個海外分行。

    歐曜瑋為區塊鏈專欄作者,分享他的洞察與知識,被台灣知名區塊鏈媒體 - 動區動趨,譽為區塊鏈產業最有影響力的意見領袖之一,商周封面故事最應該認識的 30 位台灣創業家之一;同時也擔任 AppWorks 第 17 期區塊鏈團隊以及時代基金會《未來國際經理人實習》的團隊導師。

    除了四次連續創業的經驗之外,歐曜瑋在編譯器、移動開發、無線通訊、資訊安全、分佈式系統、與區塊鏈的開發經歷之上,累積了豐富而多元的產品開發經驗。透過積極參與分佈式監控系統、區塊鏈和其他相關的開源項目,超過十年的經驗,奠基了區塊鏈與分佈式系統的專業知識,擁有 11 個區塊鏈相關的發明專利(另有 9 件審查中)。在研究上面的成果獲得潘文淵文教基金會2021 年輕研究創新獎的肯定。

  • Luis Maximiliano Postigo, Chief Executive Officer, Panda Bank
    Former Chief Representative Officer BNA講座

    Financial Top Executive and Fintech expert with a successful international track record and focus on cross-border deals (cross border supply chain trade finance). Frequent speaker and guest lecturer and mentor. Build a community of 8000+ professionals around the topics fintech & blockchain. Effective in cross-cultural relations and leading high performing teams. Broad expertise in: Banking, Fintech, Mergers & Acquisition, VC and PE Investments. Active angel investor.

  • Yu-Ying Shang, CAMS, Former Vice President, CTBC Bank
    中國信託商業銀行 前任法令遵循處協理 尚玉瑛 (CAMS)講座
    Experience :
    • Vice President of Compliance Division, CTBC BANK
    • Main respondent and representative of CTBC BANK and The Bankers Association of the ROC for APG 3rd Mutual Evaluations
    • Main respondent and representative of CTBC BANK for APG 2nd Mutual Evaluations
    • API Technology Implementation ”Customer Identification Program Core(CIPC)”
    • Coordinate and Implement CTBC AML/CFT function, including policy-making and build-up the system
    • Lecturer of AMLD, The Bankers Association of the ROC, ACAMS, etc.
    • 中國信託銀行法令遵循處協理
    • 中國信託銀行與中華民國銀行家公會APG第三次互評主要答辯人及代表
    • APG第二次互評的主要答辯人及CTBC BANK代表
    • 三項新型專利創作人:負面新聞分析監控系統、建立業務關係及定審系統、金流分析監控系統
    • 利用API技術建置「客戶識別程序核心(CIPC)」系統
    • 統籌協調CTBC AML/CFT 功能,包括政策制定和系統建立
    • AMLD、中華民國銀行公會、ACAMS等講師。
  • Pei-Yu Su, Executive Secretary, Anti-Money Laundering Office, Executive Yuan
    行政院洗錢防制辦公室 執行秘書 蘇佩鈺講座
    學歷 :
    • 國立臺灣大學法律系
    • 國立臺北大學法律研究所
    • 美國哈佛法學院訪問學者
    • 荷蘭RADBOUD法學院訪問學者
    • 臺灣臺北地方檢察署檢察官
    • 臺灣士林地方檢察署檢察官
    • 法務部檢察司調部辦事檢察官
    • 臺灣苗栗地方檢察署主任檢察官
    • 臺灣士林地方檢察署主任檢察官
    • 臺灣士林地檢署襄閱主任檢察官
    • 臺灣高等檢察署檢察官
    • 行政院洗錢防制辦公室執行秘書
  • Pei-Ling Tsai, CAMS, CGSS, Executive Vice President, Head of Anti-Money Laundering Department, Fubon Financial Holding, Head of Financial Safety Department, Taipei Fubon Bank, Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd
    富邦金融控股股份有限公司 富邦金控法遵暨法務處洗錢防制部主管 台北富邦銀行金融安全部主管 副總經理 蔡佩玲 (CAMS, CGSS)講座
  • Rudy Wang, CAMS, CGSS, Head of Compliance and AML Department, The Bank of New York Mellon Taiwan Branch
    美國紐約梅隆銀行台北分行 法令遵循部主管 王賢裕 (CAMS, CGSS)講座

    Rudy Wang has over 25 years’ experience in the banking sector. He is the Head of Compliance and AML for BNY Mellon Taipei Branch. Prior to joining the Bank of New York Mellon, Mr. Wang was the Head of Compliance & AML in United Overseas Bank Taipei Branch. Rudy has achieved compliance certifications from ACAMS, including Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and Certified Global Sanctions Specialist (CGSS).


  • Vincent Wen, CAMS, Section Chief of Tracing Illegal Funds Flow, Anti-Money Laundering Division (AMLD), Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, Taiwan
    調查局洗錢防制處 資金協查科長 温俊雄 (CAMS)講座
    學歷 :
    • 臺灣大學法律系
    • 調查局幹部訓練所(88.1-91.1)
    • 調查局北機站肅防業務承辦人(91.1-95.12)、組長(95.12-101.12)
    • 調查班第50期輔導員(101.12-103.1)
    • 調查局北機站緝毒業務承辦人(103.1-103.5) 、組長(103.5-104.11)
    • 調查局東機站副主任(104.11-107.1)
    • 調查局桃園巿調查處機動站副主任(107.1-109.6)
    • 調查局洗錢防制處資金協查科長(109.6迄今)


課程時間 /
2022年1月20日(星期四) 上午9:00至下午5:00
課程地點 /
參加費用 /
一般報名 三人以上團報
每人新台幣6,500元 每人新台幣5,850元
  • 主管機關人員(含金融監督管理委員會、中央銀行、調查局等)。
  • 各金融機構(含金控、銀行、證券、保險)之內控稽核、法遵法務、風險管理、財富管理、外匯、國際金融、貿易融資、存匯、企業金融、財務部門主管及從業人員。
  • 金融業者相關公會及周邊單位主管及人員。
  • 大專院校財金相關科系師生。
  • 經濟金融相關研究單位研究人員。
  • 律師及會計師事務所主管及從業人員。
  • 對本議題有興趣之人員。

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  • 報名後如欲取消,請於2022年1月17日(星期一)前以書面通知本院客戶服務中心;如未辦理書面取消手續,仍須照常收費。
  • 報名本研討會者,視同同意將個人報名資料(含姓名/機構/職稱/email/電話/地址)提供予本研討會主辦單位(公認反洗錢師協會)。
  • 請各參加人員於活動開始前20分鐘逕至舉辦地點報到,恕不再另函通知。如有活動異動或調整事宜,將以簡訊或e-mail通知。
  • 本院保留變更本活動內容及講座、講題、時間安排等權利;活動資訊如有異動,以本院網站更新公告為準。
  • 如有其他洽詢事宜,請賜電本院客戶服務中心報名專線辦理(電話:02-33653666轉機614)。
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