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上午9:00至下午5:00 -
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隨著跨國金融犯罪和洗錢風險不斷增加,對全球金融體系穩定性構成威脅,當前金融業面臨日益複雜的國際金融法遵環境,除了各國政府和監理機構紛紛加強了對金融業的監理力道外,區塊鏈技術、AI和大數據等新興技術也使得金融業法遵帶來了新的挑戰和機會。鑑此,為協助本國金融業者關注國際金融監理趨勢,掌握最新的法遵實務經驗,本院特與國際監理與金融犯罪法遵領域之領先專業機構 - 國際法遵協會(The International Compliance Association, ICA)共同舉辦「國際監理與金融犯罪防制實務研討會」,提供前瞻國際金融監理趨勢觀點與實務,本次研討會將邀請國際資深金融法遵專家群與會,針對以下主題進行專題演講及座談分享,期盼透過該研討會交流,協助金融業者因應金融法遵挑戰,共促金融體系之穩健發展。
- 跨部門組織如何在面對當前挑戰時保持彈性
How organisations across sectors are staying resilient in the face of the current challenges - 洞察——法遵風險、網絡犯罪、數據和技術進步的最新發展
Insights into - the latest developments in compliance risks, cybercrime, data and technology advances - 了解新興主題,如 ESG 法令遵循與虛擬資產
Understanding emerging topics such as ESG Compliance and virtual assets - 法令遵循與金融犯罪團隊在遵守法規之同時如何保持創新與商業化焦點之最佳實務
Best practice for compliance and financial crime teams to stay innovative and commercially focused whilst adhering to regulations
※本活動備有中英雙向同步口譯※ ※認列防制洗錢及打擊資恐專責人員之持續進修時數7小時※ 本研討會恕不提供講義紙本。 ※ 主辦單位保留變更本活動內容、講座及時地安排等權利;活動資訊如有異動,以本院網站更新公告為準。
時間 議程 08:00 – 09:00 Registration and Networking 09:00 – 09:10 Welcoming Remarks from Chair Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
May May Lim, Managing Director APAC, International Compliance Association (ICA)
09:10 - 10:00 Opening Keynote Presentation Inside the Boardroom: Expert Discussions on Compliance Risks
The opening keynote presentation will feature a senior global compliance executive who will discuss some of the most pressing compliance risks facing organisations today, international compliance trends, the opportunities, the role of the c-suite in managing these risks and opportunities, and the importance of effective communication between the board and the compliance function.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session where delegates can engage with the speaker and learn from their experiences in the boardroom.
Pekka Dare, President,International Compliance Association (ICA)
10:00 – 10:50 Panel Discussion Assessing the Landscape of FinTech Regulation in Taiwan: Balancing Innovation and Consumer Protection
- Overview of the current FinTech regulatory landscape in Taiwan.
- The role of regulation in the FinTech industry: Balancing responsible innovation, neutral technology, and consumer protection.
- The impact of FinTech regulation on consumer protection and industry growth.
- Best practices for ensuring compliance with FinTech regulations and protecting consumers.
- The future outlook for FinTech regulation in Taiwan and its impact on the industry and consumers.
Following the panel discussion, delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a Q&A session with the panelists
Julia Chin, Head of Compliance, Hugosave (Virtual, Singapore)
Raj Kapoor, Founder India Blockchain Alliance & Blockchain Governance Council, India (Virtual, India)
Jaclyn (蔡玉玲) Tsai, Co-Founder / Chairwoman, Lee, Tsai & Partners Attorneys-at-Law / Taiwan Fintech Association
Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
10:50 - 11:10 Tea Break 11:10 - 12:00 Panel Discussion Securing the Digital Landscape: Exploring Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Threats and Solutions in Taiwan
- Overview of the cybersecurity and data privacy landscape in Taiwan, including key challenges and trends.
- Best practices for mitigating cyber threats and protecting sensitive data in Taiwan's digital ecosystem.
- Regulatory and legal considerations for cybersecurity and data privacy in Taiwan, including recent developments and potential future changes.
- The role of technology and innovation in enhancing cybersecurity and data privacy, as well as the potential risks and trade-offs involved.
- Following the panel discussion, delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a Q&A session with the panelists
Following the panel discussion, delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a Q&A session with the panelists.
Harris Chen, Project Prosecutor on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime, Taiwan High Prosecutor’s Office
Gaon Hart, Managing Director, L.A.W: Legal Advisory Worldwide (Virtual, UK)
Bobby Piao-Hao Hsu, Data Privacy Expert
Phoebe Yu, Associate Partner, Russin & Vecchi
Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
12:00 – 13:15 Lunch Break 13:15 – 14:05 Micro Presentations Establishing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Best Practices: The Key Factors to Building a Strong Compliance Framework
This session will feature a series of micro presentations from industry experts on how organisations should be thinking about the regulatory and financial crime compliance risks associated with ESG.
- The role of compliance in mitigating ESG risks.
- The future state and key governance, risk and compliance (GRC) considerations and obligations for effective ESG integration.
- Understanding, establishing, implementing, and maintaining effective ESG reporting and disclosures.
- Incorporating ESG factors into risk and control metrics and measuring the impact and success of your ESG compliance framework.
- Meeting the expectations of the regulator.
David Liu, Regional Managing Director, APAC ESG, Kroll
Brian Huang, Chairman,IIA Chinese Taiwan
Marios Skandalis, Chief Compliance Officer, Bank of Cyprus (Invited, Cyprus)
Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
14:05 – 14:55 Micro Presentations Navigating the Regulatory Landscape of Virtual Assets: Approaches for Effective Regulatory Compliance
This session will feature a series of micro-presentations from industry experts, who will explore, unpack and provide insight into the regulatory and financial crime compliance risks associated with Virtual Assets.
- The evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and Virtual Assets and what it means for your organisation.
- How countries are responding to FATF revised Recommendation 15, and what you need to know to stay compliant.
- The role played by financial institutions, regulators, and law enforcement in detecting and preventing money laundering and fraud in the crypto world.
- Best practices for safeguarding against financial crime in the Virtual Asset space, including effective methods for detecting and preventing money laundering and fraud.
- The impact of Virtual Asset compliance on sanctions regimes and what organisations need to know to stay compliant
- The need for better consumer protection measures in the cryptocurrency market, as highlighted by the recent collapse of FTX.
Ken Chien - Chairman - Taiwan Virtual Asset Anti Money Laundering Association (TVAAA)
Loretta Joseph, Co-Chair, International Digital Asset Exchange Association (IDAXA) (Virtual, Australia)
Ave King, Global Deputy Head of Compliance, FalconX
Kunchou Tsai, Founder & Managing Partner, Enlighten Law Group
Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
14:55 – 15:15 Tea Break 15:15 – 16:15 Roundtable Discussion Rethinking Financial Crime in Taiwan: Key Insights and Strategies for 2023
Join us for a comprehensive overview of the current state of financial crime in Taiwan, regionally and internationally. Our panel of experts will cover various topics, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Fraud, Bribery and Corruption, Sanctions and Public-Private Partnerships.
During the panel discussion, attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, typologies, initiatives, and best practices in the field of financial crime, with a focus on key developments and lessons learned from 2022 and the opportunities and challenges facing Financial Crime professionals in 2023.
Following the panel discussion, delegates will have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session with the panellists.
Mark Nuttal, Director of Risk Solutions, Thomson Reuters (Virtual, Singapore)
Shih-Ming 詩敏 Lo 羅, SVP, Chief Compliance Officer, HSBC
Elango Balasubramaniam, Chief General Manager (Compliance) and Chief Group Compliance Officer (CGCO), Bank of Baroda
Miranda Liaw, Country Head of Conduct, Financial Crime, Compliance, Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan Limited
Pekka Dare, President, International Compliance Association (ICA)
16:15 – 16:45 Closing Keynote Address Resilient Transformation: Embracing Change and Building a Stronger Compliance Function for the Modern Era
A call-to-action for compliance leaders to take a proactive approach to operational resilience and leverage opportunities presented by the modern era.
This keynote presentation will highlight the importance of collaboration in building a more resilient compliance function. By embracing change and adopting a resilient mindset, compliance leaders can drive their compliance function forward, navigate the complex regulatory challenges of the modern era, and ensure the safety and soundness of the financial system.
Joel Cook, Chief Compliance Officer Asia, Standard Chartered Bank
16:45 – 17:00 Closing remarks from the Chair An opportunity to reflect on the learnings, insights and key takeaways from the Conference
Pekka Dare, FICA | President | International Compliance Association講座
Pekka Dare joined the International Compliance Association (ICA) in 2015 and became vice president for the regulatory and financial crime compliance body in February 2021.
He sits on the International Compliance Association Technical Advisory Board and has oversight of the delivery and development of ICA programmes worldwide, where he has developed a world class faculty that delivers best in class training and education programmes all over the world.
Pekka has extensive experience as a practitioner, including roles as an MLRO for a multinational life and pensions firm and Head of Financial Crime Prevention of a division of a major UK bank. A qualified solicitor in the UK and New Zealand, Pekka has conducted prosecutions for tax evasion and provided legal advice in respect of organised crime groups, complex frauds and corporate tax evasion. He has also worked for the UK Department of Trade and Industry (now BERR) in the investigation of corporate fraud and misfeasance.
Pekka is chairman of the Money Laundering Officer’s Discussion Group (MLODG), a body which shares best practice amongst practitioners.
Julia Chin | Head of Compliance | Hugosave, Singapore講座
A seasoned finance industry professional, Julia has over 25 years of experience in policy implementation with a focus on client due diligence and operational risk management. She is a subject matter expert on Correspondent Banking, Securities Services, and Fintech – in the areas of Financial Crime and Regulatory Compliance. Since joining Hugosave in 2021, Julia oversees the organisation’s legal and ethical integrity by ensuring compliance with the regulations of the industry and internal policies through enhancing governance processes and building a compliance culture.
Having worked in consultancy, global banking, and regulatory entities such as Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, KLOFFE and KPMG, Julia has considerable experience in the implementation and design standards of control frameworks in Asia and the Middle East. Julia is passionate about promoting financial inclusion and giving back to the community through mentoring. She is a registered volunteer with Bankers without Borders, an initiative by the Grameen Foundation that aims to equip the less fortunate in developing nations with tools to alleviate problems of poverty.
Mark Nuttal | Director, Risk Solutions | Thomson Reuters講座
Mark Nuttall, FICA, CAMS CPP PMP, is Director of Risk solutions for Thomson Reuters in the Asia and Emerging Markets region. With an extensive counter-crime and risk background and over 25 years of experience in global risk management, anti-financial crime, and international security. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, the Institute of Paralegals, and the Royal Society of Arts, and holds a Master’s degree in International Security. His extensive practitioner and leadership experience span the corporate and government sectors, along with diverse academic publications.
Gaon Hart | Managing Director | L.A.W: Legal Advisory Worldwide講座
Gaon is currently a Non-Executive Director for the NHS Counter-Fraud Authority and Managing Director of LAW: Legal Advisory Worldwide; a boutique legal consultancy, providing specialist economic crime prevention policy and process advice to medium and large corporates, particularly start-ups. Gaon is an experienced corporate compliance programme designer and Public Policy specialist. As a former Senior Crown Advocate for the Special Crime & Counter Terrorism Division (CPS), he focussed on corporate investigations, policy & process reviews. Having been seconded to the Attorney General’s Office, he led the 2006 national Fraud review and worked at the heart of government obtaining cross-party support, bringing in the current UK counter-fraud architecture.
Gaon is currently a Non-Executive Director for the NHS Counter-Fraud Authority and Managing Director of LAW: Legal Advisory Worldwide; a boutique legal consultancy, providing specialist economic crime prevention policy and process advice to medium and large corporates, particularly start-ups. Gaon is an experienced corporate compliance programme designer and Public Policy specialist. As a former Senior Crown Advocate for the Special Crime & Counter Terrorism Division (CPS), he focussed on corporate investigations, policy & process reviews. Having been seconded to the Attorney General’s Office, he led the 2006 national Fraud review and worked at the heart of government obtaining cross-party support, bringing in the current UK counter-fraud architecture. As Head of Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption Advisory, Policy & Training for HSBC Bank, he brought his technical expertise into the corporate arena, designing from scratch and covering every element a pragmatic and practical global framework global designing and implementing a global anti-corruption programme from scratch covering 64 countries and 230,000 staff. Publicly, he represented the UK at GRECO, UNCAC and at an EU Mission to Romania, was Co-Chair of the UK Finance Anti-Bribery & Corruption Committee, advised the UN on their report, ‘Bankrupting the Business of Human Trafficking’, co-authored the UK Finance definitive guide to the ‘Definition of Public Official’ and undertook multiple public engagements including appearing before a Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee on behalf of Amazon.
David Liu | Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific, ESG | KROLL講座
David Liu is the APAC Regional Managing Director for the Chief Growth Office and Head of ESG Advisory for APAC, based in Hong Kong for Kroll, the leading independent provider of risk and financial advisory solutions. In this capacity, David leads Kroll’s APAC growth strategy, innovation, client relationships, and enterprise-wide initiatives along with Kroll's ESG advisory services in the region.
In addition, David serves as the City Leader for Hong Kong, is an operating member of Kroll’s Asia-Pacific (APAC) Management Committee, and a member of the APAC Regional Board for Kroll’s Charitable Foundation. He leverages more than 20 years of experience advising and working with financial institutions, private equity sponsors, family offices, venture capital and financial technology firms across engagements involving capital markets, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and digital assets.
Marios M. Skandalis | FCCA, CFC, CFE, FICA, FCG講座
Marios Skandalis is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK), a licensed member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (US), a Fellow member of The Chartered Governance Institute – ICSA (UK) and a Certified Financial Consultant. He is also a Fellow member of the International Compliance Association (UK) and a professional member of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (US).
Today he is the Director of the Group Compliance Division of the Bank of Cyprus Group. His professional career commenced in 1995 when he served as an Audit Supervisor and a Senior Management Consultant with Ernst & Young in the South-Eastern European region. In year 2000 he moved to the Bank of Cyprus Group and took the post of Chief Financial Officer of the General Insurance of Cyprus for over a decade. He then took the post of Manager for the Organization of the Bank’s Overseas Operations until 2013 when he was appointed as Legal Representative and head of the Bank of Cyprus’ operations in Greece.
Mr Skandalis is the President of the Cyprus Integrity Forum (CIF), the largest non-governmental organization in Cyprus for combatting corruption and promoting transparency, as well as the Vice-President and founder member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Cyprus). He is also a Board member of the Global Practitioner Advisory Board of the International Compliance Association (ICA – UK).
Mr Skandalis is the past President of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) and the former Executive Vice-President and founder member of Transparency International (Cyprus). He is an active anti-fraud/corruption, compliance and corporate governance professional and chairs or participates as key note speaker to related international conferences/forums in Europe and the USA.
Mr Skandalis is the winner of the 2016 Banker of the Year Award – Cyprus by the AI Magazine in the United Kingdom. He is also the winner of the 2017 American Academy Nicosia Alumni Achievement Award in recognition of his remarkable success and achievements in his chosen career of compliance, corporate governance and anti-financial crime.
簡書永Ken Chien | 台灣虛擬通貨反洗錢協會理事長 台灣區塊鏈大聯盟產學合作組副召集人
Co-founder of Picasso AML Consultant Chairman of Taiwan Virtual Asset Anti-money laundering Association講座PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:
- FI : President Security, Fubon Life Insurance, TransGlobe Life Insurance
- Fintech:Bitpoint Taiwan, BitoEX, How Investech
SPECIAL Experience:
- Announce White paper of Virtual assets and Anti-Money Laundering with ACAMS
- Hold the “Forum of Blockchain application and VA AML” and the participant more than 750 person
Joel Cook | Chief Compliance Officer, Asia and Functions Conduct, Financial Crime and Compliance Standard Chartered Bank講座
Joel Cook is the Head of Compliance for Standard Chartered Bank’s Asia region, as well as the head of Compliance for Transformation, Technology & Operations and Group Functions, being based in Hong Kong. Joel has worked in financial services for over 20 years, with experience from multiple financial centres including London, Singapore and Hong Kong. His initial focus was in financial markets and has provided advisory compliance coverage for commodities, foreign exchange, fixed income, treasury and futures business at various points in his career. Joel has led international advisory compliance teams, as well as monitoring and surveillance teams across several jurisdictions.
Joel has previously held roles as Head of Compliance for Technology & Innovation, Operations and Functions, and as Regional Head of Compliance for Standard Chartered Bank’s corporate, commercial and institutional banking businesses in the Greater China North Asia region, based in Hong Kong.
Prior to that Joel was Standard Chartered Bank’s global head of Surveillance for around 5 years, overseeing a number of large technology implementation initiatives and controls enhancement exercises including work to align practices with the FCA FX Remediation Exercise in 2015 and the EU Market Abuse Regulations in 2016. Joel has also contributed to industry standards initiatives, participating in the working group for the FICC Markets Standards Board’s Monitoring of written electronic communications Statement of Good.
Joel has degrees in Law and History & Archaeology from the University of London. When not seeking to ensure compliance in banking, Joel has rather less success ensuring the compliance of three young children and three dogs.
Prosecutor of Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office, Project Prosecutor, Cybercrime Investigation Supervisory Center, Taiwan Higher Prosecutor's Office
臺灣嘉義地方檢察署檢察官, 臺灣高等檢察署網路犯罪專案檢察官, 司法院國民法官選任辦法草案諮詢委員Harris(Yu-feng) Chen has served as a prosecutor since 2007. During his service, he was also appointed to various consultation positions of government sections, including the Member of Advisory Committee of the Judicial Yuan for Drafting Selection Rules for Citizen Judges(2021-22), the Member of Advisory Committee of the Judicial Yuan for Drafting Enforcing Rules for Citizen Judges Act(2022), the Member of Cross-border Anti-drug Investigation Analysis Group of the High Prosecutor's Office (2019), the Member of the Policy Advisory Group of the Ministry of Justice (2016-17).
In addition, Harris was named adjunct lecturer at National Chiayi University (2015), a fellow of NAGTRI International fellows program by the National Association of Attorneys General, U.S.A.,(2014), and Harvard University Berkman Klein Center fellow (2011-12).
Above all, Harris has been an active speaker on various international occasions. He was invited to speak at the International Economic Crime Forum of Cambridge University (2017), the International Sex Trafficking Prevention Summit in Hawaii (2016), and the APECTEL47 Network Expert Group (2013). Domestically, he is also a constant speaker addressing anti-corruption, cybercrime, anti-fraud, tech law, and human-trafficking issues nationwide.
Harris has extensively participated in international affairs. He was appointed by the Ministry of Justice as a member of the delegation with the Minster to the NAAG Annual Conference (2013, 2015), the Conference of Western Attorneys General (2017), the International Symposium on Economic Crime at Cambridge University, and several other official visits (drug investigation, recovery of illegal gains, mutual legal assistance, lay-judge system, etc.), destinations including Australia, UK, EU, Belgium, Netherlands, Dubai, Japan, Guatemala, USA, etc.
Prior to serving as a prosecutor, he also served as a notary at the Taiwan Shilin District Court in Taiwan, and an anti-corruption officer at the Chiayi County Tax Collection Office.
Harris holds an MBA degree from the Institution of Intellectual Property, National Chengchi University, and a bachelor's degree in law from National Taiwan University. Harris is also a licensed Taiwan lawyer and patent agent. His specialties include cybercrime, trade secrets, economic crime, patent litigation, etc.
陳昱奉自2007年起擔任檢察官迄今,期間曾擔任司法院國民法官選任辦法草案諮詢委員(2021-22)、司法院國民法官法施行細則草案諮詢委員(2022)、高檢署跨境毒品犯罪分析小組成員(2019)、法務部政策諮詢小組成員(2016-17)、國立嘉義大學兼任講師(2015)、美國州檢察長協會NAGTRI 國際檢察官訪問學人(2014)、哈佛大學Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society訪問學者(2011-12)等。曾應邀擔任劍橋大學國際經濟犯罪論壇講座(2017)、夏威夷國際性販運防制高峰會講座(2016)、APECTEL47網路專家小組講座(2013),並廣泛參與國際事務:經法務部指派為美國州檢察長協會(NAAG)年會與會代表團團員(2013, 2015)、西部州檢察長協會(2017)與會代表團團員,以及其他公務出訪(毒品查緝、不法所得追償、司法互助、裁判員制度等),目的地包括澳洲、英國、歐盟、比利時、荷蘭、杜拜、日本、瓜地馬拉、美國等。
Raj Kapoor | Founder | India Blockchain Alliance & Blockchain Governance Council, India講座
Raj is the Founder of India Blockchain Alliance, the largest Indian emerging technology tech think tank and an Advisory Board Member at over 50 blockchain companies including, Floyx, Spherium, Cypher Blockchain. He is a global, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency & FinTech Educator, Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP), Blockchain Solution Architect, and friend of disruptive ideas, protem Chairman for Organization of Blockchain Technology Users (OBTU). He is also the Asia Lead, Technology & Innovation at Blockspace Technologies Ltd.
Raj has helped organize India's biggest Blockchain and Cryptocurrency events across major cities. Raj has also spoken at several international seminars and conferences in Boston, LA, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Singapore, Durban, Nicosia and Vienna, Dubai and Singapore.
Raj regularly speaks in Tech events in India, UK, USA, Africa, Malaysia, and Canada and is also a twice TedX speaker. Besides blockchain, Raj is skilled in AI, Robotics, Cyber Security. IoT, and Cloud Computing. He has spoken in over 140 international and national events in the last 12 months.
Raj is also a regular contributor to several publications including Economic Times, Fortune, Moneycontrol, Mint, NDTV Profit, Daily Tribune, Business Standard and more. Raj also appears regularly on multiple television channels where he speaks on different aspects of the blockchain industry.
Raj was also selected this year as a top cryptocurrency and blockchain influencer in March by Asian Market Cap. This was capped off by the Thought Leadership Award by Industry Insight Award in Las Vegas in December.
Raj has designed and worked on 4 Blockchains, 5 Centralised Exchanges, 3 Swaps and 3 DEX's. He is now working with his team on India's own indigenous blockchain. Raj is also working on the world's several sustainable and social impact blockchain projects which are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Raj has authored 20+ courses in blockchain, fintech, DeFi, NFT’s, Metaverse and more. These are implemented by NASSCOM, NSDC, CII, UnAcademy and multiple other edtech platforms in India and overseas. Raj is also a Board Advisor for World Crypto Conference and the Crypto World Conference and the Web 3 Green Blockchain.
Loretta Joseph | Co-Chair | International Digital Asset Exchange Association (IDAXA)講座
Most inspirational woman in blockchain 2022 ( crypto AM UK). Co-Chair IDAXA, industry resource to FATF and FSB. Chair, Australian Digital Finance Standards Council ( ADFSC) -ADC Forum . Member, Salzburg Forum -Global think tank .
Currently Loretta is the virtual asset consultant at the Commonwealth Secretariat and Vanuatu Financial Services Commission and the Bank of Mauritius. Loretta is an external resource to GIABA, she regularly advises a number of global organisations on responsible adoption of financial technology across policy makers, governments and industry, specifically blockchain. She has previously advised OECD and OSCE on digital assets and their impact in AML/CFT.
She is a consultant at McDonell-Nadeau global. Experts in financial integrity. Also, the MD of Lo-Jo Consulting. She was the fintech and regulatory consultant to the Government of Bermuda, FSC Mauritius, SEC Serbia and the Premier office of South Australia. Loretta sits on the papal council of Humanity 2.0 the Developed in collaboration with the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at the Holy See and a consortium of leaders and luminaries.
Loretta is a highly dynamic, skilled banking, financial and consulting professional with over 25 years in financial markets and related sectors. She has a worked for major investment banks at Board, MD or senior management level throughout Asia and India including, RBS (India), Macquarie Group (India), Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Elara Capital (India), Spanning a long career, Loretta has tremendous exposure to global financial markets, multiple asset classes and emerging market environments. Loretta has advised many international banks, global hedge and pension funds on managing portfolio and exposure to derivatives and related products. For the last decade, she has been paramount in successful transaction facilitation for Foreign Investors in India and other emerging markets. She has operated in many multi-cultural organisations. Loretta sits on the advisory board of UWS (Business School), Blume Ventures (India). She is also an adjunct fellow at UWS (Australia). She was previously Director of market development at SSX, is a Lifetime fellow of ADDCA (Australian Digital Currency and Commerce Association) chair of the Serbian blockchain Association.
Loretta holds various advisory positions globally. She was the recipient of the Fintech Australia “Female leader of 2016” She was the recipient of the Fintech Australia “leader of 2017 and Sancta Sophia College (Within Sydney University) Alumni Award 2016, 2018 and current 2019 alumni Award recipient for Social impact. Loretta holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Sydney
Bobby Piao-Hao Hsu (徐彪豪) | payment industry as Compliance Manager and Data Steward講座
Bobby Piao-Hao Hsu (徐彪豪) currently works in payment industry as Compliance Manager and Data Steward. Before the current post, he served at TPV Technology Group as Privacy & Data Protection Compliance Senior Lead Specialist, where he was responsible for both execution and planning of regulatory compliance on data protection for more than 80 entities cross 17 jurisdictions
Before joining TPV, he was Public Policy Counsel of LINE Taiwan Limited, where he had the opportunities to represent LINE's operations in Taiwan in various contexts, including but not limited to advocating the Group's interests via diversified channels, planning and implementation of in-depth outreach programs both locally and overseas.
Prior to LINE, he had worked as Legal Researcher at Science and Technology Law Institute (STLI), Institute for Information Industry, a semi-governmental think tank, responsible for policy research in the field of IoT, privacy and data protection, energy law and innovative technology. Prior to STLI, he had also worked at Taiwan Research Institute (TRI), as Direct Dialogue Campaigner at Greenpeace (East Asia, Taipei) and as Program Associate at Human Rights in China (Hong Kong Office).
Hsu holds a Ph.D. from Tamkang University, with the specialization in EU data protection law, LL. M. from University of Amsterdam, and LL. B. from National Taiwan University.
Jaclyn Tsai講座
- Chairwoman, Taiwan FinTech Association
- Co-Founder, Lee, Tsai & Partners Attorneys-at-Law
- Honorary Chairwoman, Taiwan Women on Boards Association
- Commissioner, Legal Assistance WG, Taiwan Blockchain Alliance
Jaclyn has a great deal of experience in both the private sector and the public sector.
She had previously served as a District Court judge from 1982 to 1991, after which she worked as IBM's General Counsel in Taiwan from 1991 to 1995, and later the Greater China region from 1995 to 1998.
She founded Lee, Tsai & Partners with Dr. Lee in 1998 and specializes in technology law, M&A and investment matters.
In 2013, Jaclyn was appointed as the Minister without Portfolio in the Executive Yuan (Cabinet) and became one of the few female ministers in the government. During her term as Minister without Portfolio, she was responsible for a number of inter-ministry affairs, such as the reformation of laws relating to virtual world development, e-commerce, the shared economy, digital convergence, the startup environment, open data, and the maker movement.
Jaclyn returned to the firm in 2016, and she is currently the Chairwoman of Taiwan Fintech Association and the Honorary Chairwoman of Taiwan Women on Boards Association.
Mr. Brian Huang, Chairman of Institute of Internal Auditor, Chinese Taiwan; Advisor of Darwin Venture Management Co. Ltd. 講座黃允暐目前為中華民國內部稽核協會理事長及達盈管顧公司顧問。他有超過25年的銀行工作經驗,包括電子金融、現金管理產品、金融科技、法令遵循、洗錢防制以及內部控制等。他曾於國泰世華商業銀行、中華開發金控及工業銀行、美國銀行,擔任總機構法遵主管及洗錢防制專責主管,也曾任職於花旗銀行、匯豐銀行以及荷蘭銀行等。 黃先生是從國立中央大學資訊管理系獲得學士學位,並自國立政治大學先後獲得商學碩士與法學碩士,目前也在國立政治大學商學院資訊管理系進修DBA博士。
Brian Huang is currently the chairman of the Institute of Internal Audit, Chinese Taiwan, also serves as an advisor for Darwin Venture Management Co., Ltd. He has over 25 years of banking experience including digital banking, cash management products, Fintech, Compliance, AML/Sanction and Internal Control. He used to work in Cathay United Commercial Bank, China Development Financial Holdings and Industrial Bank, Bank of America Taipei branch as Chief Compliance & AML officer, and has ever worked in Citibank, HSBC, ABNAmro and others. Mr. Huang obtained a bachelor's degree from the Department of Information Management, National Central University, and holds MBA and LLM degree , both from National Chengchi University. He is currently studying for DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program in National Chengchi University.
Phoebe Yu, Partner, Russin and Vecchi講座
Phoebe Yu is a Taiwan licensed attorney and joined Russin & Vecchi, Taipei, in 2006. She has over 15 years of experience advising both local and offshore clients on all types of financial services and banking related matters including the set up of local vehicles, financial product issuance and distribution and regulatory filings.
Phoebe also has more than 10 years of experience advising clients in the data privacy area, including assisting clients in conducting audits to confirm compliance with Taiwan data privacy laws and regulations and assisting clients in handling data breach incidents. Phoebe is the co-author of the Taiwan chapter in “Data Protection Laws of the World” published by Sweet & Maxwell.
She is a graduate of Vanderbilt Law School (LLM, 2012) and National Taiwan University School of Law (LL.B., 2000).
Ave King , APAC Head of Compliance , FalconX講座
Ave King is APAC Head of Compliance at FalconX based in Singapore. FalconX is a fully comprehensive digital asset platform that allows institutions to access and risk manage all of their crypto strategies through a single interface and seamless workflows, making it easy to execute trading, credit and clearing all in one place. Ave manages the Compliance program across their international entities including securing relevant regulatory licenses where appropriate such as Singapore. Ave has more than 20 years of experience in Compliance, AML, Product development in investment banking, broker dealer and cryptocurrency exchanges across Europe and APAC. Prior to joining FalconX, Ave held roles at Bitstamp, Coinbase, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan
Mr Kunchou Tsai, Managing Partner, Enlighten Law Group 講座
蔡昆洲律師同時具有台灣及中國大陸律師資格,從事法律相關工作近二十年,專長金融科技、金融監理、公司融資、證券交易、國際投資、商務仲裁等領域,留學倫敦大學及柏克萊大學法學院,對金融科技、區塊鏈有詳盡的認識,積極活躍於相關生態系,並協助跨境投資及金融業務。所主持的尚澄法律事務所連續獲得Legal 500及Chambers等國際評鑑。
Mr. Kunchou Tsai, Esq. has engaged in legal career for decades and specializes in FinTech, financial regulations, corporate finance, securities laws, international investment and arbitration. He received his law degrees from the top tier law schools of University College London and UC Berkeley. Mr. Tsai has been appointed to the Panel of Arbitrators of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC), and the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA). With compelling knowledge in FinTech and capital market, he actively participates in the Fintech ecosystem and often consults the transnational investment and financial projects. Enlighten Law Group, founded and managed by Mr. Tsai, continuously receives recommendations of Legal 500 Asia-Pacific and Chambers & Partners in Banking and Finance practice.
Elango Balasubramaniam, Chief General Manager (Compliance) and Chief Group Compliance Officer (CGCO), Bank of Baroda講座
Mr. B Elango is an MBA (Finance) with Professional Qualifications of Associate Member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWA), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) and Company Secretary (Intermediate).
He joined Bank of Baroda in August 2000 and has served in different departments and branches in various capacities from Officer to General Manager. In the last 22 years, he has worked in various geographical locations of Bank of Baroda including overseas branches. He has worked at the Bank’s overseas subsidiary at Uganda [Bank of Baroda (Uganda) Limited] and his previous assignment was at the Bank’ New York Branch in the USA, as Chief Executive (US Operations). Earlier, he has worked at Large Corporate Banking Department at Corporate Office for 7 years. He has worked in the Finance Department apart from heading the Internal Audit Division of North Gujarat Zone.
He has inculcated a blend of operational and controlling office experience through assignments at branches and corporate office. His areas of expertise include Credit, Compliance and Accounting & Finance. He holds a vast and enriching experience of dealing with overseas regulators through his assignments in overseas territories.
廖苡庭Miranda Liaw 銀行誠信暨法遵長 Head of CFCC Taiwan, Standard Chartered講座
Miranda Liaw graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, USA with a Master degree in Business Administration and is a seasoned Compliance executive with 25 years of experience. Prior to joining SCB , Miranda held a variety of senior positions including Global Head of AML at Taipei Fubon Bank and CTBC Bank, where Miranda was previously also Global Head of Compliance. Before that, Miranda held the roles of Country Compliance Head, Country Chief Operating Officer and Chief Administrative Officer at JPMorgan Chase Bank, Taiwan. While Miranda was working in the Compliance function at Citibank between 2001 and 2008, she was also posted overseas to Guangdong Development Bank in China and Citibank in Hong Kong. Miranda’s hobbies are Reading, Travelling, Badminton, Painting,
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